Cladding – Paving
Natural Stones in Construction
People have used natural stone in various ways for both interior and exterior purposes since prehistoric times. It is considered a timeless and classic material that can make any home feel more elegant and luxurious. Sometimes natural stone is used for practical purposes, while other times it is used purely for aesthetic purposes.
In what ways can you use natural stones in your construction?
1. Paving
Greek and imported slates
These are irregular or squared slabs whose size, colour and shape vary according to their origin. They are ideal for flooring and gardens. They are produced from natural blocks of slate which are split into thin sheets by hand and hammer.
Cubes are natural rocks of granite or stone. Their shape is rectangular. They are used for pavements, paving roads, squares, garages, cobbled streets (cobbled and paved), landscaping and garden decoration.
Wall Cladding
Stone wall cladding is a modern solution with numerous benefits. Two of the advantages offered by wall sidings, with natural or artificial stone, include a building’s aesthetic upgrade and extra wall insulation. Exterior stone veneer keeps your space warm in winter and cool during the summer.
There are various types of stone that can be used in wall cladding. The final choice depends on your needs, budget and aesthetics. Interior finishings offer beautiful decorative touches and add depth to a room. When applied to the exteriors of a house, stone cladding gives an impressive effect that will make your beloved home stand out of the crowd!
| Scalped Tiles (Butch)
Butch tiles are products produced after processing in marble, porous stone, sandstone, slate, slate, basalt, granite and other natural rocks and stones. The name ‘scalped’ is due to the particular way (scalping) in which the large visible front face is processed. The scapitched stones are easily placed either with or without grout meaning that they are tangent to one piece with another. We use various adhesives to bond them together.

| Anchors (caps)
These are natural wall cladding stones of various colours. They are irregular on both sides.

| Panels
Stone panels consist of narrow cut strips of stone, which are glued together to form a single tile of fixed dimensions

Natural stone is just that, a product of nature. Each piece is individually unique
3. Building Stones
Οι πέτρες χτισίματος είναι φυσικές πέτρες στην πρωτογενή τους μορφή, όπως σχιστόλιθοι, ψαμμίτης, μάρμαρα, βασάλτης, αμμόλιθος κλπ. Ενώ τα τεχνικά πλεονεκτήματα της φυσικής πέτρας είναι αρκετά, αυτό που πιστεύουμε ότι οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι αγαπάν στο προϊόν είναι τα χρώματα και τα μίγματα χρωμάτων που προέρχονται απευθείας από τη φύση. Η ίδια η φυσική πέτρα παρουσιάζει διαφορετικές υφές με βάση τη φυσική της σχισμή όταν διασπάται, που κυμαίνονται από σχετικά ομαλές επίπεδες επιφάνειες σε ένα βαρύ φινίρισμα σαν γυαλόχαρτο, έως γραμμικές ραβδώσεις, οι οποίες είναι όλες απίστευτα μοναδικές και κάτι που θα πάρετε μόνο από ένα προϊόν φυσικής πέτρας. Κανένας τοίχος δεν είναι πανομοιότυπος, και είναι τόσο εντυπωσιακό να το βλέπεις κατά τη διάρκεια της εγκατάστασης όσο και εξαιρετικό μόλις τοποθετηθεί στον τοίχο. Η πέτρα χτισίματος είναι κατάλληλη για λιθοδομή, πέτρινα σπίτια, μαντρότοιχους, παρτέρια και κήπους. Γενικά ενδείκνυται σε οποιαδήποτε κατασκευή απαιτείται η διαμόρφωση πέτρας για εσωτερικό ή εξωτερικό χώρο.
There are two ways to build a masonry wall out of natural stone. One is as dry stone, where the stones are placed next to each other without the use of any other material. The other way is placing the stone by using binder mortar between its joints. Dry stone making requires a great deal of experience and expertise from the craftsman, who must chisel and hammer out the free-form shapes and then carefully weave the correct stones tightly next to each other. Any remaining gaps are then filled with smaller pieces of stone, which are cut to fit into some of the tighter spaces. On the other hand, placing the stone using grouting is a more forgiving technique that does not require such tight weaving between stones. Of course the stones are still selected and carved to match the adjacent stones but the gaps between them can be larger and in the end the whole installation is mortared to fill all the gaps.
The dry stone style is best suited for exterior and large scale interior installations with residential and commercial facades, gardens and retaining walls and large fireplaces being some of its most common applications.
| Irregular quarry
They are available in irregular shapes, in shades of grey and beige, just as they come out of the earth.

| Square presses
Squared wall pressings vary according to origin. They are suitable for indoor and outdoor use because they give a more stately style and effect.

| Thin Stone
It is a natural stone, rectangular in shape, cut in thin (narrow ) thickness. Their colour is determined by the stone from which they come. Its small thickness makes it suitable for thin cladding with the feel of stone.

In our store you will find a wide variety of natural stones such as slates, granites, decorative stones, mosaics and pebbles, suitable for flooring, masonry, cladding, roofing or landscaping.